Today even the President weighed on Donald Sterling’s probable racist remarks recorded by his paramour, probably illegally. The words were racist and reflect someone quite outside of the mainstream. But the First Amendment protects just such speech and fans and players can choose to punish Sterling if they do not like what he said by ceasing to attend games, watch games and the players can resign. I doubt either will do so because money and fan sport support seems to be more important in our culture than principles! So, the media will have a field day, the paramour probably committed a crime and Sterling showed himself to be a bigot! Outside of that, not much happened and I do not think with the Ukraine crisis, the Mideast peace talks come to a standstill and North Korea threatening the South with Nuclear Armageddon that a stupid racist comment from Donald Sterling deserved the attention of our President! The NBA commissioner is the correct one to speak on this topic and his issuing a life time suspension, a $2.5 million fine and stating he will try and force Donald Sterling to sell the franchise is a significant cost that Sterling is paying. We do not need more fuel being added to the Race fire!
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Bigotry is Loathsome But Not a Crime
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