Today even the President weighed on Donald Sterling’s probable racist remarks recorded by his paramour, probably illegally. The words were racist and reflect someone quite outside of the mainstream…
Crisis Over?
Remember Greece? As in back in 2008 through 2012 Sovereign Debt Crisis: “the nation that can’t pay the interest on its government bonds, and will almost certainly default and take down the entire European Union banking system with it?”…
Your Itemized Tax Receipt
Now that your tax money is in the hands of Uncle Sam, what will he do with it? How will the government allocate your contribution to the overall budget?…
Online Revolution = More Individual Responsibility
In May my current driver’s license expires, not much of a news story. However, it points to the new reality of our online world and our need to be mindful of renewals that...
Quarter End Market Report – Cautious Pessimism
The U.S. stock market reported very modest gains in the first quarter of the year, and it was actually uncertain until the final trading day whether the quarterly returns would be slightly positive or negative…
Causes for Contemplation
One of the best businesses to be in is predicting disaster and selling books or newsletters telling people how to overcome the next cataclysmic decline in civilization…
The World Will Not End Due to Global Warming
Scientists were able to calculate that during the Dinosaur age CO2 levels were 5 times greater than they are today. With that information we should be able to create models...
Fed Moves Markets – Yet Again
Investment professionals with long memories can remember the olden days when the investment markets and the U.S. economy were not – and were not supposed to be – controlled, rigged or otherwise directly manipulated by the U.S. central bank…
Shrinking the Other Deficit
If you’re looking for good news, take a look at what economists call the “current account deficit,” which is a way of measuring the flow of goods and services into and out of the country…
The Sky is not Always Falling!
On a recent front page of Yahoo Finance there is an article titled “As the Stock Market Comes Back Commodities Tell a Scarier Story.” The article states how rare it is for...
Sometimes the Sky is not Always Falling!
On a recent front page of Yahoo Finance there is an article titled “As the Stock Market Comes Back Commodities Tell a Scarier Story.” The article states how rare it is for...
20 Things You Likely Don’t Know About the Ukraine
Our hearts and prayers go out to the people of Ukraine, as they undergo both an internal political crisis and what appears to be military annexation by Russia…
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