
The Amazing $1,000/Share Company

With the Twitter initial public offering in the news, another prominent tech company, Google, made headlines when its stock price went up over $1,000 a share. That’s WAY higher than Microsoft (around $30 a share), almost double Apple’s price (around $520), and in fact is pretty much higher than any other stock’s price except…

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Tax Reform Delayed

Our apologies, we just can’t stop talking about the debacle in Washington that has harnessed more energy than Disney World. Way back when… did you notice anything missing during the partisan squabbling that led to the government shutdown and debt ceiling brinksmanship?…

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A Nobel Prize in Prognostication?

Following Nobel Laureate’s investment advice has not been a sure road to riches. Often following the advice leads to loss of investment. For 2013 three individuals shared a Nobel Prize in economics and their belief about the stock market’s current value could not be more different…

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The Art of Lying to the Public

Recently CBS reported that by the end of the first day the federal health insurance exchange went live, only 100 people had signed up for new insurance.  The fact that the...

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The Real Disaster of Obamacare

The real problem with Obamacare is that the government is so heavily involved in mandates for making certain coverage available for everyone.  The 30 million people who the...

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Demographic Change Seen Through the Auto Industry

A great article about teenagers by Joel Stein dated September 23, 2013 is found in Time Magazine. The article rants about the current generation of teenagers. For all who are interested in the culture of each generation, particularly shortcomings, I highly recommend the article…

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A Collective Yawn

The stock market reaction to the 16-day government shutdown and threat of a default on all U.S. government budget obligations (Social Security checks, interest payments on government bonds, payments under contract to suppliers and contractors, etc. etc.) was stunningly mild…

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We Seem to be Killing the Golden Goose

Most of the financial planning profession is discussing the incredible costs associated with complying with all of the regulations our government has issued to prevent the next Madoff and Lehman Brother’s and AIG style failure. Unfortunately, the government is creating a new industry, and much harm, rather than dealing with the real problem. In Madoff’s case, routine actual audits of the books of custodians of client’s money were neglected…

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Shutdown? Default? Consequences?

It’s possible that you’ve heard a news report or two about the government shutdown that started October 1, and now a dispute over raising the U.S. debt ceiling and possibly defaulting on the government’s debt obligations as soon as October 17…

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Disappearing Windshield View

There is a stealth change that is occurring and it will impact America greatly.  That change is the fact that Millennials are abandoning cars.  In 1980 almost half the...

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