In Louis Carroll’s “Through the Looking Glass”, the sequel to "Alice in Wonderland," individuals acted crazy. The world of Alice seemed to be backwards, the characters were...
The Large Impact of Small Intentional $ Allocation
There’s an eternal debate about whether you should use an unexpected amount of free cash, a bonus or inheritance for example, to either pay down your mortgage or invest in a retirement investment account…
America’s Survival: Pay Attention to 9 Issues
The graph below depicting various changes in the US from 1966 to today catalyzes our nine points. Some of the changes and comparisons were not very new, while others were quite surprising. First, the not so surprising comparisons – in 1966 there were 197 million Americans, the median age was 29, the percentage of women in the work force was 39%, the percentage of the population 65 and older was 9% and the estimated life expectancy was 70…
Have We Reached Banana Republic Status
I remember in the 1970s, many Latin American governments seemed not to really function. Their governments would provide enough money for the country to operate for a few...
Estate Planning Relief
The conventional wisdom among the attorneys and CPAs who plan for estate taxes, right up until the new Fiscal Cliff legislation was signed into law, was that the $5 million exemption was probably too good to be true…
A Life Well-Lived
Our client story this month is a tribute to a beautiful vibrant widow, now deceased for nine years. Lois was a client for just over ten years and came to our offices for a consultation a little more than ten years after her spouse died. All of her assets were “invested” in a money market account, suggested by her estate tax preparer at the time of her husband’s death. At the time of her husband’s passing, money market interest rates were yielding 12% and these yields seemed reasonable to her…
Sometimes the Obvious is Overlooked
We noticed that the Great Recession appears to have harmed Baby Boomers the most, but the media frequently discusses the lack of opportunities for the Millennium...
Do You Feel Sorry for the IRS?
In general, over a thirty year period, I have been impressed with the efficiency of the Internal Revenue Service (IRS). It processes billions of documents sent to it...
Colman Knight Volunteering at The Pine Street Inn
To kick off our 25th year, Colman Knight staff and clients had the privilege of volunteering at The Pine Street Inn in Boston. Every night more than 7,000 men, women and children in the city of Boston have no home. The mission of The Pine Street Inn (which was written on a large mural by the entrance) is to end homelessness…
The Fallacy of Predictions
One of the more interesting myths in the investment world is that large financial institutions, with their access to mountains of data pored over by teams of staff economists, can determine where the markets are going and profit accordingly…
Unavoidable Health Insurance Reality
"You can avoid reality, but you cannot avoid the consequences of avoiding reality." - Ayn Rand (1905-1982) Recently two different clients have called concerning issues with...
Twenty Five Years
A quarter of a century, two and a half decades, 9,125 days … concepts of time that represent the energy and stories of life for Colman Knight since its inception in 1988. The motivation, inspiration and intention of Colman Knight – to do good work for the benefit of our clients – has not faltered; though the language to describe our aim has evolved…
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