Although the headlines stated that the Supreme Court ruling upholding the recent Health Care act requires everyone to purchase health insurance that is not 100% true…
Medicare Tax Planning
Although a great deal of the 2013 tax landscape may change, there is one area of the tax code that will probably not change, at least not before January 1, 2013 and that is the Medicare Contribution Tax…
The Biggest Breakthrough You probably are not thinking about
It seems that the "God-Particle" was finally found and this finding may open a whole knew world of practical inventions. Of course it is still early in the discovery...
First Half of 2012 Market Commentary
For those who watch the investment markets, the first half of 2012 was a strange and somewhat harrowing experience…
How the Media Distorts IPO Winners and Losers
The past year will be remembered for two remarkable social media initial public offerings: LinkedIn on May 19, 2011 and Facebook on May 19, 2012. Although the month and day were the same, the two offerings went very differently…
The Good, the Bad and the Ugly of Bond Anomalies
Here’s a trivia question to startle your friends with. According to International Monetary Fund statistics, what country has the highest government debt levels, compared with its Gross Domestic Product (GDP), in the world?…
Are We Better Off?
By most objective measures, the world is a better place to live in today than it was in, say, the 1950s. 60 years ago most of the world’s population was starving and nuclear testing was done in the open air exposing millions to radiation needlessly…
Sarbanes-Oxley and Its Unintended Consequences
According to a Wall Street Journal article dated December 15th, 2009 the Sarbanes Oxley Act (SOX) costs about $2.4 million per publicly listed company. Since the US has...
The Hype Masks The Real Usefulness
3 D printing is all the rage but will it make investors rich or is it still mostly hype?! In the June 11th Boston Globe business section, there is a discussion about 3D...
Spain’s Pain
Spanish leaders recently requested economic assistance from the European Union’s central bank (ECB), a few days after the Fitch Ratings service dropped the debt rating on Spanish government bonds to BBB status (just above junk status)…
The Great May Swoon
By just about any measure, May was an awful month for investment performance, which is another way of saying that the past 31 days have made stock indices 5% to 10% more affordable than they were in April…
The Run that Wasn’t
The nation of Greece has a current population of 11.3 million people, which is just slightly fewer than the number of people who reside in the state of Ohio - roughly 0.165%...
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