One of the most important, yet most infrequent topics of conversation is that of death and dying. There are many avenues to begin, and we’d like to ignite these...
Greece and the Potential Global Meltdown
The economic impact of Greece on the world economy is tiny. According to the World Bank, in 2010 Greece’s GDP represented $302 billion less than ½ of 1% of the world’s...
The Grass Isn’t Always Greener
The world seems to be sinking and the US is the standout! Today, May 24, 2011, I read in the Wall Street Journal that most of the stock markets in Europe are down for the...
A Simple Fix for What Ails America’s Transportation System
In a great article in the Wall Street Journal on May 23, 2011, R. Richard Geddes comments as to why the US infrastructure (at least the transportation system) is teetering...
An interesting nuance in the tax debate…
An interesting nuance in the tax debate is that the top 1% of income earners typically receive a greater portion of their taxable income from capital gains rather than...
New Signs Of Growth, Hope For Positive Change
It is appropriate during this season of growth, known as Spring, for the US and world economies to be showing continued signs of vigor. News of Osama bin Laden’s death at...
Headline News: Inflation Fears And Disaster Preparedness
Recently, we've been hearing a lot about inflation, and the government statistics released on April 15 didn't help to quiet the chatter. The government reported that the...
The Fear of Financials
In financial planning, developing financial statements is one aspect of the process. Financial statements (income tax, net worth and cash-flow) offer a place, scaffolding if...
Balmy Market Weather: The First Quarter Of 2011
Despite a wall of worry, in percentage terms, the first quarter of 2011 provided the best gains for U.S. stocks in more than a decade, the best quarter since 1999. We...
The Global Impact Of Japan’s Tragedy
We're all notified of the tragedy in Japan, with horrific photos and video footage of the aftermath of the earthquake and 10-meter Tsunami. The humanitarian disaster, with...
The Contagion From Tunisia And The Egypt Effect
Most of us have watched with a mixture of fascination and dread how the Egyptian disease of starving masses (most Egyptians are under 30) has spread to Libya where the...
Mindfulness, Like Exercise, Improves Well-Being
Regularly we address financial matters and current economic events; it is certainly what you see in the media daily, hourly, perhaps even by the minute. Our connections with...
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