No, this is not a blast from the US mission to wipe out ISIL or something from the Ukraine/Russia fighting though that is closer. Rather the above mystery hole which resembles a missile crater and is dotting the Siberian Landscape is now thought to be a consequence of Global Warming. As the permafrost melts methane trapped in the frozen ground is released. At times the methane ignites under pressure causing what scientists like to call “Methane Blasts”.
Methane blasts are explosions caused when methane trapped in the arctic permafrost is explosively released as the permafrost melts. Methane has ten times more global warming properties than carbon dioxide. The permafrost holds enough methane that releasing it would increase atmospheric methane by a factor of 12.
Already scientists have measured that methane in the atmosphere above the arctic is 8 to 10% greater than the atmosphere above Antarctica. So does that mean we should see sub-tropical arctic weather which would open that entire region to exploration for oil, precious gems and other resources? It may also mean no more Polar Bears, snow rabbits and the end to the Inuit way of life!