While we wanted to present a soft end to this challenging year, we know some of you love numbers and data, and they are important. So here are some numbers and data 🙂
Coronavirus (graph to right)
We were struck by the graph to the right. Although the values are from two weeks ago, the ratios will remain. We thought the numbers per 100k, by country, were worth noting, and different from what we’ve been hearing in the news.
The basic Medicare Part B monthly premium will rise for 2021 to $148.50. Upper-income seniors will pay more for Part B coverage next year if their modified adjusted gross income for 2019 exceeded $176,000 for joint filers or $88,000 for single people. Here, modified AGI is AGI plus any tax-exempt interest. For Part B coverage, they pay the $148.50 basic monthly premium plus a surcharge. They also owe a surcharge on their monthly part D premiums for prescription drugs.
The table below summarizes the impact for upper-incomers.