Sometimes you read things and wonder, what in the world was that person thinking? For an Internal Revenue Service (IRS) division head to use an agency email account on an agency computer to state how she thought certain Republican leaning people were Crazies and Assholes shows either an incredible arrogance and/or naiveté that borders on stupidity.
What is true for this public agency, as with most private companies the IRS, which was her employer, will suffer the consequences of her actions. The amount of money IRS lawyers are spending to appear in Congress for these hearings is probably in the millions. Furthermore, the IRS funding will probably be affected in the hundreds of millions, if not, billions as Congress, angered by IRS actions effecting Republican elections, will seek revenge.
Not that I am a fan of the IRS, but you cannot help but feel sorry for the average agent who did nothing wrong but will be harmed for years to come from this person and the small minority of agents who acted outside of accepted norms.