The disaster in Oklahoma with the 13 mile swath of destruction brings forth sympathy and the desire to help. The fact that the area is known as Tornado Alley and had an even more destructive tornado pass through about fourteen years ago does not lessen the emotional impact.
When the information about the fact that neither of the two schools had storm proof rooms and the government (local, state or federal) does not require them, anger boils over. Here we see the idiocy of the government. 24 lives were needlessly taken because storm shelters are not required in the most tornado prone area in the entire world. Is that okay? What is wrong with our system? Where is the outrage? How could the school system put money in front of lives and how could Oklahoma stand back after more than 100 years of knowing that area receives deadly tornadoes regularly?
I am certain that the death toll was so low because many people had storm cellars to ride out the disaster. The deaths we witnessed were not from acts of God, but stupidity of many who knew better. I wonder if criminal charges will be pursued against the people who allowed such criminal negligence to occur.