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Twenty Five Years


A quarter of a century, two and a half decades, 9,125 days … concepts of time that represent the energy and stories of life for Colman Knight since its inception in 1988. The motivation, inspiration and intention of Colman Knight – to do good work for the benefit of our clients – has not faltered; though the language to describe our aim has evolved. In present form, we are called to catalyze heart, mind, money and body to liberate individuals and family systems.  Liberation is a lofty goal.  But there is no other aspiration to make Colman Knight worthy of existence.

This year we celebrate the realizations over the past two and a half decades, which primarily consist of client stories.  Stories of joy, heart-break, transition, sickness, health, love, birth, death, growth, prosperity and failure – you know – the ingredients of being human.

Gayle and Rich ignited Colman Knight in the basement of their Cambridge condominium in January of 1988 after the infamous 1987 crash. They departed the now long gone Tucker Anthony Management Corporation with ten clients – still in the middle of their financial planning engagement with work to be completed.  Colman Knight’s commitment, to fulfill their needs and be in integrity, meant the firm started day one living the intention to do good work for the benefit of others.   Powerful seeds planted during those early days have come to fruition.  Today, Colman Knight is energized by many minds and hearts also committed to the mission of service.  While there are many accolades, awards and honors from professional organizations, colleagues and industry measurements, the most important and meaningful measure comes from client realizations.  It is in this spirit we embark on a year of client stories – the ones we are privileged to tell.  One thing we know for sure, all of us are in the client stories.  Whether it is “your” actual story or not, all  life stories are alive in each of us in some way.

A story of fortunate choices and good work…

We launch our client story with Janet Loring, a CK client for twelve years who elegantly completed her formal employment – with intention, awareness and grace.  If there ever was a recipe for how to transition from full time work to an engaged retirement, she would be our role model.

Janet came to Colman Knight with a pallet of Bank CD’s invested in various locations across the state. Her needs were to simplify her finances and to create clarity about her capacity to retire from full time employment to a “life of leisure”. We put that phrase in quotes as Janet lives a fully engaged leisure life, volunteering at the community library, staying connected with friends, reading literature and current news and enjoying life’s invitations to choose freely.  Janet says that the theme of her story is fortunate choices and good work.  After implementing her financial plan and practical financial matters, the opportunity to slow down from full time employment to three days a week emerged.

Janet’s career in the sciences spans five decades, only three bosses and was extremely fulfilling. Her calling in stem cell research with mice made her a pioneer with renowned academics.  Amusing to us, is Janet’s humility and grace. She praises her bosses and co-workers endlessly. Yet we applaud her for making choices that served and serve her, as well as, the collective.

When her desire to shift to part-time work emerged, she worked three days a week and enjoyed a taste of slowing down. When it came time to complete her working life, the transition was welcome and elegant.  While Colman Knight helped to clarify her questions, simplify her finances and continues to sustain her financial plan, Janet celebrates her choices and taking meaningful action where her heart and mind called her to serve.  We join her enthusiastically in that celebration.

If you are moved to share your story, we wholeheartedly welcome the opportunity to offer it to our community.  Please connect with Gayle, who will assist in the writing and narrating of your words. Gayle may be reached here.

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