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Who Are You Voting For?


We offer this inspiring blog post written by Travis Thomas.  How is it possible someone steals our ideas before we think of it…

This is the most important election in the history of mankind! Why? Because YOU are the election!

Are you voting for yourself?

For the past 4 years I have been working closely mentoring and coaching high school and college students. My favorite question to ask them is,“What are you passionate about?”

Despite days filled with endless activity you might be surprised to hear they don’t usually have an answer. But when they do, I follow up with,“How are you working on this passion each day?”

That question is the kicker! What about you? Are you spending time each day working on the things you are most passionate about?

The reality is – every choice you make is a vote. We make dozens of votes each day, hundreds each week, thousands each year. Sure, big elections come every four years – but the election of your life happens each day!

Are you making votes that support your growth, passion, and purpose? Or, are you falling victim to the countless distractions that take your attention and intention away from your dreams?

Are there one or two daily activities you can let go of in favor of spending time nurturing your passions? It doesn’t even have to be a major shift. Imagine spending just 10 minutes each day carving out time to work toward your goals.

This is the most important election in the history of mankind!

How are you going to vote?

About the author

Travis Thomas is the Community Leader for WorldBlu and the Creator of 30 Days of YES. Travis is passionate about helping individuals and companies transition from fear to freedom in the pursuit of living their YES!

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